Princess Margaret Cancer Centre Renovations
Toronto, ON UHN Ambulatory Ongoing
UHN is Canada's largest research hospital, and a major teaching/research hospital having global impact in biomedical and health care research. UHN’s Princess Margaret Cancer Centre is one of the largest cancer centres in the world. Cumulus is working with UHN to redevelop a number of patient and family focused facilities that expands capacity for quality cancer care and research.
18th Floor Clinic
This project involves the renovation of office and treatment areas on the 18th floor to create a more functional, patient-friendly clinical environment that works for staff and patients. The resulting design offers a refreshed and efficient space that welcomes staff, patients and visitors. Areas are kept open concept where possible to provide access to daylight and promote engagement. Exam rooms and enclosed spaces are sound proofed for maximum privacy. In addition to an improved layout, ventilation and heating/cooling were also updated.
Program: Treatment Room, Multi Use Exam Rooms, Staff Write Up Area, Reception Area / Nursing Station, Staff Restroom, Clean Utility Room, Storage, BAS/HVAC Upgrades
Ambulatory Waiting Area
Redesign of space for ambulatory treatment and introduce a treatment zone for nursing assessments and IVs. Improve IPAC where possible. Cumulus presented options for layout and worked with user groups to refine programming elements. Project was taken to 100% DD before being placed on hold for funding review.
Program: Ambulatory, Treatment Room, Nursing Assessment, IVs, IPAC Improvement
Convergence Centre
Critical to leadership in innovation in cancer care is the ability to run frequent clinical trials. PMCC has the most comprehensive cancer clinical research program in Canada, producing research critical to new drug development, cancer genomics and immunotherapy. With substantial growth in patient volumes, the current space had outgrown program needs.
The newly designed Centre introduces patient care to a formerly dedicated research floor that has been redeveloped to offer both the necessary spatial quality and characteristics that provide privacy, confidentiality and comfort. Patient specimen collection takes place in a bright daylight area and an open and centrally located lounge area for patients and family to relax while waiting for results or secondary appointments. A series of multipurpose conversation and exam rooms offer privacy for follow up discussions with individual research team members.