Paul Szaszkiewicz

Principal and Director

Paul is an experienced design team leader and skilled management expert having lead large multidisciplinary design teams on major projects while serving as Senior Principal and Director at some of Canada’s leading architectural practices. 

Paul co-founded Cumulus Architects Inc with Sheldon Catarino in 2015 where, together with the senior leadership team, he continues to nurture a culture of discovery and innovation, foster interdisciplinary collaboration amongst specialized areas of practice, and champion the imperative for sustainable design.

The Junction Performing Arts & Cultural HUB Masterplan, Sudbury

Kingsway Entertainment District Integrated Site Plan, Greater Sudbury

UHN Michael Lawrence Turk Rapid Assessment Centre, Toronto

University of Toronto, Lash Miller Chemistry Building Expansion, Toronto

Select Project Experience

Healthcare & Wellness
University Health Network, Diagnostic Testing Centre and Pre-Admission Clinic, Toronto
University Health Network, Toronto General Hospital, Michael Lawrence Turk Rapid Assessment Centre, Toronto
Emergency COVID Response Facilities, Ottawa, Burlington, Barrie, Mississauga, Kincardine, Oshawa
Canada Health Labs, COVID Reassurance Testing Facilities, Ottawa, Toronto
Unity Health Toronto, Providence Hospital, Long Term Care Development, Toronto
HealthPEI, Hillsborough Hospital and Mental Health Master Plan, PEI
Centre for Addictions and Mental Health, Forensic Inpatient Stage 2 Planning, Toronto
Hamilton Urban Core Community Health Centre, Hamilton
Unity Health Toronto, St. Michael’s Hospital, Cardinal Carter Wing Vertical Expansion, Toronto
Unity Health Toronto, St. Michael’s Hospital, Women’s Health Clinic, Toronto
Grand Genesis Surgical Centre, Richmond Hill
Baycrest Hospital, Apotex Centre for Geriatric Care, Toronto

Alternative Financing and Procurement (P3)
West Lincoln Memorial Hospital, Grimsby
Halton Region Consolidated Courthouse, Halton
Michael Garron Hospital Redevelopment, Toronto
St. Michael’s Hospital Redevelopment, Toronto
Quinte Consolidated Courthouse, Belleville, Belleville
St. Thomas Elgin Consolidated Courthouse, St. Thomas
Pan Am Venues – soccer, velodrome, track; Hamilton, Milton and York University
Women’s College Hospital Redevelopment, Toronto

Academic Research & Innovation
University of Toronto, Lash Miller Chemistry Building Expansion, Toronto
Sickkids Hospital, Peter Gilgan Centre for Research and Learning (LEED Gold), Toronto
McGill University, Bellini Cancer & Goodmans Research Centre (LEED Gold), Montreal
Vancouver General Hospital, Jack Bell Prostate Research Centre, Vancouver
University of British Columbia, Life Sciences Centre (LEED Gold), Vancouver
Unity Health Toronto, St. Michael’s Hospital, Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (LEED Gold), Toronto
Escarpment Cancer Research Institute, Juravinski Cancer Centre, Hamilton
University Health Network, Integrated Learning Centre, Toronto

Arts & Culture
Gateway Casinos & Entertainment, 10 Redevelopment Sites, Ontario
Junction Arts Hub, Library, Gallery, and Performance Centre Master Plan, City of Greater Sudbury
Ontario Science Centre Community Hub, Toronto
UOIT Regent Theatre Renovation, Oshawa
Tommy Douglas Library (LEED Gold), Burnaby
City of North Vancouver Library & Civic Plaza (LEED Gold), North Vancouver
Queens University, Agnes Etherington Arts Centre, Kingston

VIVA York Region, Owner’s Technical Review, Vaughan, Cornwall + Pioneer Village
Ontario Ministry of Transportation, COMPASS Traffic Operations Centre, Toronto
Ontario Ministry of Transportation, Arrow Road Campus Traffic Operations Centre (Phase1) (CGBC LEED Silver), Toronto
Ontario Ministry of Transportation, Arrow Road Campus Material Engineering Research Offices (Phase 2), Toronto